Zolve, a U.S.-based company came to us with an intriguing concept. They help you with a U.S. bank account and a credit card before you even step foot in the States. It is nothing short of time travel per se but in a monetary fashion.
The Goal
Zolve needed reach. They were having trouble getting their awesome product to reach global citizens with financial footprints in multiple countries. They wanted something intricate and polished with a defined color palette that aligned with the company’s brand guidelines that would let people know about them and how easily their product helps with banking in the United States
How did we help?
We assigned one of our top creative directors on this righteous mission, and he came up with an ROI-boosting animated explainer video strategy that would get them the traction they needed and also spread awareness about their product.
This is how we helped them make a disruptive explainer video that helped Zolve spread the word like wildfire! Thankfully, they don’t operate in Australia!
The Motif
What if you could jump into a DeLorean with a flux capacitor and hop into the future? What would you do? Would you buy a hoverboard? Or try to interact with your older self and watch the space-time continuum explode into a million different timelines? We would implore you to choose the former.
Working with us is as easy as 1234!
Step 1: Assigning a Competent Creative Director
The client gets assigned a dedicated Creative Director who will deal with the client henceforth. Our creative directors are top-notch and will be the exclusive point of contact, therefore, streamlining the project in a linear way and reducing the hassle of communication for the client by a hundred percent! This also ensures that the project will have a strong sense of direction and gets expedited ASAP. All our Creative Directors have at least 7-8 years of experience in managing and seeing projects to completion under their belt. So, the clients can rest assured that their project is in dependable and experienced hands. You can check some of them out here!
Step 2: The Scripting
We have an array of scriptwriters all with different styles of writing and expertise. These wordsmiths take your vision and transcribe the visuals in your head onto paper. The scripts are the skeleton of the video which the animators then flesh out. The scripts go back and forth between the writers and the client (vis à vis the Creative Director) and nouveau ideas are bounced until we reach the final draft of the script. This is what a finished script looks like!
Step 3: The Animation
Animation is the name of the game. We source the most avant-garde animators on the internet that are some of the best in the world and we synergize their capabilities to match them to your project, ensuring that you’re synchronized with the most befitting animators for your project.. We take pride and make extra efforts to make sure our animators are the best in their league because the thing we hate the most is generic cookie-cutter videos that all look the same. So, with our forte being animation, you can leave the rest to us. Here are some other videos for you to check out. If you don’t believe us!
Step 4: Delivery
Th-Th-That’s all, folks! Our creative directors work day and night to expedite steps 2-4 just for you. The delivered videos also offer sufficient edits and revisions until you are satiated. As soon as you’re satisfied, we release the video in 16:9 high-quality 1080p. We can also render the video in numerous formats for a minimal fee (e.g. a 1:1 vertical format for Instagram or a 4:5, etc) so that it can be used in various ways.
TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read)

Get an awe-inspiring, breathtakingly beautiful animated video in 4 easy steps! Everything is coordinated by our ever-growing arsenal of Creative Directors (all of whom have at least 8 years of experience) who will synchronize everything from scripting to animation to delivery so that you can be sipping Piña Coladas in the Bahamas while the directors streamline the project.
So, what is stopping you from getting an awesome video made that will increase ROI and magnetize customers towards your amazing product? It’s as easy as 1234!
Contact us now to get your own ROI-boosting video!